Snoring Devices

The SomnoMed MAS

The SomnoMed MAS is a Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS) that treats snoring and OSA by moving the lower jaw (mandible) forward slightly. This has the effect of tightening the tissues and enlarging the airway to keep it open. The device is worn in the mouth at night.

It consist of upper and lower plates that are custom-made to fit over your teeth, with a unique patented ‘fin’ which provides the freedom to open and close your mouth. It features incremental adjustment so that the lower jaw is moved only as far as required to alleviate snoring and OSA.

The device is available in a choice of materials and options to best suit your needs. Your clinician will discuss these with you.

The SomnoMed design offers significant advantages compared with existing oral appliances. Benefits in comfort, medical validation, long life and warranty are unique to the SomnoMed MAS.